Finally: Good Economic News From Greece!

Well, good economic news for me.

I got a check in the mail this week for royalties from the Greek edition of my book, Daughter of God (one of my thrillers ripped off by The Da Vinci Code).


It’s always good to get an unexpected check.

But that happened because super agent Natasha Kern was very, very smart when she negotiated my contract with Macmillan/Tor/Forge and retained foreign rights. She then used her killer foreign rights network to sell this and other books worldwide.

This is all by comparison with no royalties at all from Macmillan/Tor/Forge who still hold three of my books hostage … out of print with badly produced ebook versions filled with scanner artifacts all that remain.

You can read about those books here: Lew’s Books or at Amazon. But I don’t recommend that you buy them in ebook format. Better to buy a used hardcopy unless, by some miracle, one of them happens to be back in print.

Despite the fact that those three books — Daughter of God, The Da Vinci Legacy and Slatewiper — earned back their royalties years ago, creative accounting means that I haven’t seen a penny from them.

Kudos to the Greeks!

Lew's Books