War Is Not The Answer? Sometimes It’s The ONLY Answer.

War Is Not The Answer?


Ask a Syrian. Or a Libyan. Or an Israeli. Or George Washington.

War is often the only answer.

This is a core issue in my book, Perfect Killer . The characters are not just gung-ho “kill’em all and let God sort them out” types.

They struggle with the fact that freedom requires sacrifice. And the maintenance of freedom requires the willingness, the guts and the ability to wage war.

The better you are at war, and the more willing you are to to war over important principles, the LESS likely war becomes because no one wants to mess with you.

It’s called deterrence.

The world remainsĀ  a nasty, Darwinian place that requires overwhelming force and superior firepower to maintain peace. We cannot love our enemies to death or negotiate insane people into sanity. Sometimes peace requires war.

And the only thing worse than war is losing one.
Perfect Killer is available in the iBookstore, B&N and others. see this link: http://lewisperdue.com/lewbooks.shtml#perfectkiller

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