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Bless The Dutch Libraries!
The Netherlands is a small country, but my books have always been popular there. However, I didn’t expect to get a check for $240.12 as payment for copies of Daughter of God that had been lent by libraries! Thank goodness that my agent, Natasha Kern, managed to keep foreign rights when the book was sold […]
Anti-Muslim Film Obscures Real Islamist Evils
The biggest problem with a crude video like the “Innocence of Muslims” is that it obscures a rational, fact-based discussion of the very real evils underpinning today’s Islamist movement. Sam Bacile’s badly done, incendiary polemic provokes a psychological reaction that discourages critical thinking. It encourages some people to dismiss the valid evils of current-day Islamists. […]
Calls To Censor Anti-Muslim Film Are New McCarthyism
Bacile’s anti-Muslim film was an amateurish piece of trash. So is the drivel we get from the Ku Klux Klan and spinoffs. But America’s First Amendment protects them both. Bacile certainly is stupid, stupid, stupid. But Professor Butler is wrong, wrong, wrong. She tried to walk some of that back — or sugarcoat it a […]
The Amazon Conundrum
The Amazon Conundrum sounds like the title of one of my thrillers, but it’s about thrillers rather than being one. See, Amazon has this “Prime” program for Customers and for Kindle books. For customers, the select program starts with paying $75 per year to get unlimited free shipping. It’s a damned good deal. I’ve been […]
My Tesla Evolution 2: Ion Engine + Atom Smasher = Cosmic Engine
This is the third in a series. See also: My Tesla Evolution 1: Coil, Laser, Ion Rocket How Nikola Tesla & A Butter Knife Turned Me Into A Rocket Scientist I never called it a “Cosmic Engine.” But that’s what the newspapers wound up calling it and the name stuck (see below). My Papa […]
My Tesla Evolution 1: Coil, Laser, Ion Rocket
WHICH ONE OF THESE COULD HAVE SHOCKED A SMALL CHILD INTO BEING A ROCKET SCIENTIST? Thomas Edison didn’t invent direct current, but that’s what he used to power his other inventions. It’s hard to distribute and is limited. But still useful for an old technology. It’s impossible to tell whether it was the butter […]
How Nikola Tesla & A Butter Knife Turned Me Into A Rocket Scientist
NEW! The Kindle edition of my Cold War thriller, The Tesla Bequest, was published today. Click here for more. Nikola Tesla turned me into a rocket scientist. Or it might have been a butter knife that did it. I think both. IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE BUTTER KNIFE The butter knife came first, […]
Why The National Parks Need To Scare Hell Out Of Its Visitors
The wilderness is wild. It will kill you if you aren’t trail smart. That’s one of the things I try and teach son William, and daughter, Kate (above). That photo was taken on Kate’s first backpack this June, in the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness area (just over the hill from the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center […]
Mozart Symphonies Help Me Kill
I’ve killed more people, in more creative ways, while listening to Mozart than any other music. You might think that Heartless Bastards or Van Halen might produce a better body count. But no. There’s something about the mathematical precision of Mozart — especially the symphonies — that sync with my brain waves and inspire creativity […]
War Is Not The Answer? Sometimes It’s The ONLY Answer.
War Is Not The Answer? Really? Ask a Syrian. Or a Libyan. Or an Israeli. Or George Washington. War is often the only answer. This is a core issue in my book, Perfect Killer . The characters are not just gung-ho “kill’em all and let God sort them out” types. They struggle with the fact […]