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Wine Snobs Suck!

Snobs suck! This 1997 episode from San Francisco’s Bay TV features wine guy Lewis Perdue (60 pounds heavier than he is now) who believes that wine snobs are a lot worse than the anti-Christ. You don’t have to study wine to like it. Hell, you don’t have to study Snapple to know what flavor you […]

Forget Nukes: Coal-Fired Power Plants Can Emit 4X The Radioactivity of Three-Mile Island

Forget about being hysterical about Fukushima. The average coal-fired power plant can continually emit four times the radiation as Three Mile Island. How’s that possible? Because low-sulfur coal use in coal-fired plants contains thorium: a radioactive element that is released when the coal is burned. What’s more, the particles containing the thorium are among those […]

Zaibatsu: The Big Money Conspiracy That Brought Down The Global Economy To Make Billions In Profits

The research behind Zaibatsu suggests that the financial collapse was part of a diabolical plan and that it was no accident that the same megabanks, billionaires and financial manipulators who caused the disaster were the first to recover and are now bigger, fatter and greedier than ever before.

A Journalist With A Nose For Lies: Vaccines & Random House

I first learned how dogged Mnookin could be when he wrote his Vanity Fair article about The Da Vinci Code’s plagiarism of my books. He managed to see through Random House’s high-priced flackery and hacked through all the legal chicanery to produce his piece. And now, Mnookin has written The Panic Virus has prompted worldwide […]

Lewis Perdue

Investigative reporter Seth Mnookin (Newsweek, Vanity Fair) was one of the very few people who looked beyond Random House’s spin doctors and high-priced lawyers and into the facts of my verified plagiarism action against Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code. As Mnookin’s Vanity Fair article points out, the plagiarism was clear and seen by people […]