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Guardian Sniper Mira Longbow takes on Evil In Amsterdam
DIE BY WIRE – CHAPTER ONE Amsterdam Debate thundered through the black iron gates of the Agnietenkapel and sprawled into the Oudezijds Voorburgwal. Arguments about God, evil and religion shattered the university district’s late-evening calm. Age-old questions with no answers ricocheted among the antique brick facades of lean, tall houses that stood shoulder to-shoulder along […]
Stop The Global Horror Of Child Brides
One of Die By Wire‘s most horrifying and heart-breaking NON-fictional threads is the issue of young girls — some as young as nine or ten years old– who become virtual sex slaves to men often in their 40s to mid 50s. Not only do these girls have their lives ruined by brutal and sustained sexual molestation, […]
PubWeekly “Clarification” On ABA Boycott of Amazon: Anti-Trust Concern Is Reason For Deleting Comments
Yesterday, Publisher’s Weekly issued a clarification that looks designed to get the American Booksellers off the anti-trust hook with their much-discussed (Indie Booksellers Tell Indie Authors To Go To Hell) Amazon book boycott (ABA’s IndieCommerce Site Dropping Amazon Publishing Titles) . It also appears to show why PW deleted numerous comments on the subject. The […]
Something Constructive for ABA To Ponder
This post began as a comment I made here: ABA’s IndieCommerce Site Dropping Amazon Publishing Titles. And that comment ultimately came from this post: Indie Booksellers Tell Indie Authors To Go To Hell ABA should compete rather than whine and obstruct. Competing means having a new idea, one that uses existing expertise and resources in […]
Why Would A NYTimes Bestselling Author Go Indie? (Losing A Million Dollars Is Just The Start)
People have asked me: why have I decided to go indie with Die By Wire. Why — when I have had books that made the NYTimes, USA Today and other bestseller lists the old, traditional, legacy way — did I decide to take this course? Well, to start with, I’ve already lost a million dollars with […]
Burn a Quran and Die: Is Islam Evil?
A key theme in Die By Wire is the assertion of many that Islam is evil. Or does the evil done in the name of God/Allah simply arise from those who distort religion and abuse spirituality to justify their own political, cultural and dictatorial agendas? In all my other thrillers, my characters grapple with issues […]
The Prelude To Fictional (And Real-Life) Aircraft Disappearances: Unencrypted GPS:
“Civilian Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are vulnerable to a number of different attacks such as blocking, jamming, and spoofing. The goal of such attacks is either to prevent a position lock (blocking and jamming), or to feed the receiver false information so that it computes an erroneous time or location (spoofing). GPS receivers are […]
Help Lew Perdue Pick A Cover For His Next Thriller
Die By Wire is ready to roll as soon as I get a cover picked out. But I can’t make up my mind. Can you help me, please? (Pretty please?) With your help, this will be an e-book by the end of next week. So, if you’d like to put in your $0.02-worth, head over […]
Please Tell Me If You Watch Book Trailers
Book publishers borrowing a page from Hollywood: From the LA Times “In a sewer beneath Las Vegas, a lethal vixen named Abigail is locked in a mortal struggle an outlaw cowboy with ties to Greek gods. “The scene, recently filmed over three days on a sound stage in Glendale, wasn’t for a new sci-fi TV […]
Pulse Weapons: The Economist Catches Up With My Thriller, Slatewiper
According to The Economist, BULLETS and bombs are so 20th-century. The wars of the 21st will be dominated by ray guns. That, at least, is the vision of a band of military technologists who are building weapons that work by zapping the enemy’s electronics, rather than blowing him to bits. The result could be conflict […]