500+ “Moderate” Muslim Scholars Support Blasphemer Assassination

If there were any doubt that insanity reigns among the world Islamic community’s leadership, the article, below,  should erase any doubts (along with other things like murder plots over cartoons and death decrees for those who question the inerrancy of every word in the Qur’an.)

LAHORE, Pakistan (Associated Press) — More than 500 Muslim scholars are praising the man suspected of killing a Pakistani governor because the politician opposed blasphemy laws that mandate death for those convicted of insulting Islam.

The group of scholars and clerics known as Jamat Ahle Sunnat is affiliated with a moderate school of Islam and represents the mainstream Barelvi sect.

Read the entire article here.

Islam No More Inherently Violent Than Christianity or Judaism

Over the past four decades, I’ve read the sacred texts of every major religion. I’ve done that out of curiosity, a desire for knowledge, as a part of my own faith quest and as research for my novels, especially Daughter of God.

And after several readings of the Qur’an, it’s clear that Islam is no more inherently violent than either Christianity or Judaism. The Crusades and Inquisition clearly left blood all over the globe and tears in the eyes of Jesus. The Old Testament is also soaked with slaughter and genocide … Canaanites and all those other unlucky tribes.

Evil in the name of God, Allah, Yahweh or any other name is not religion. It’s just evil.

As Edmund Burke so well put it, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (I’d add women to that as well.)

Where are the Islamic voices of good? Where is the outrage in the face of evil?

True, there are sporadic voices here and there, but little else. The blanket of silence speaks loudly and says much about concurrence or cowardice.

Lew's Books